Visegrad fund, Cross-border cooperation Project
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Focus area
Diversification of tourism by increasing the range and quality of regional products and services,Regional Development, Environment and Tourism.
Implementation period: 01/10/2021–28/02/2023
Project applicant
Technical University of Liberec
Address: Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec 1
Ing. Otakar Ungerman, Ph.D.
Project partner
Wrocław University of Economics and Business, Filia Jeleni Góra
Address: ul. Komandorska 118/120, , Wrocław, , 53 345, Poland
dr hab. prof. Piotr Gryszel
The aim of the project ‘Services in tourism in the Czech-Polish border area’ is to identify changes in the offer of services in the field of tourism before and after the pandemic. The research will be carried out in the border region of the Jizera Mountains on both sides in the CZ and Poland. Teachers and students from both universities will take part in all activities, in cooperation with interest group of legal entities Turistický region Jizerské hory (TRHJ). The project will lead to mutual knowledge and exchange of experiences between students and teachers from both universities and representative of service providers THRJ.
The project focuses on the current situation in services in tourism, which is one of the most affected parts of the economy during the pandemic crisis. The project is geographically focused on the Czech-Polish border area. This is the Czech and Polish part of the Nisa Euroregion, specifically the Jizera Mountains and the Giant Mountains, which are the most attractive part of this locality for tourists.
According to data from the Czech Statistical Office, 109,000 people are employed in services in the Czech part of the Nisa Euroregion, 55,000 people in the Polish part and, for example, the number of beds in the Czech part is 49,700 and in the Polish part 28,552. However, these figures have changed during the pandemic and it is estimated that around 50% of employees have left the service sector. 7 million people visit the region every year. Of this, in 2020, about 300,000 guests were accommodated, who spent over 900,000 nights here (which is the level of 2015 and 2016), the decrease for 2020 was 30%. On average, guests spent 3 nights here in 2020, which is longer time than before the pandemic. A pandemic was declared in March 2020, which included government restrictions that significantly affected service providers. Service providers have responded to government restrictions by voluntarily or forcibly changing their service offerings to eliminate losses. The project focuses on the identification of these changes in the offer of services in the period before and after the pandemic. Should the pandemic continue for years to come, the project is designed to be implemented online.
what is coming
Events and reports from project.

Invitation to the conference in Hejnice
We kindly invite all project participants to our conference in Hejnice 3th to 4th November 2023.

Photos from excursions
A few photos from our both excursions can be found on page Excursions.

Program of excursion 12th May
Excursion to Liberec took place on 12th May 2022. You can download the schedule for excursion here:

Article on noticed our project activity. The article “Join our forces. Scientists are solving tourism after covid” is now online.

Program of excursion
Our excursion to Poland will take place on 6th May 2022. You can download the schedule for excursion here:

Article on T-UNI
Based on our workshop, new article on online magazine of Technical University in Liberec was launched. The article is describing…